Advocates in education

Classism in Education
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Jonathan Kozol  is a non-fiction writer, educator, and activist, best know for his books on public education in the US. During the civil rights campaigns of 1964 and 1965 Kozol moved from Harvard Square to Roxbury, MA and became a fourth grade teach in the Boston Public Schools. It was after he was fired from the Boston Public Schools for reading Langston Hughes poetry to his class that he was thrust into the limelight and become a more prominent figure on the Boston civil rights scene. After being fired from BPS he was offered a job to teach for Newton Public Schools, the school district that he had attended as a child, and taught there for several years before becoming more deeply involved in social justice work and dedicating more time to writing.

Jonathon Kozol on Educational Advocacy


Jean Anyon is an internationally acclaimed critical theorist and researcher.Her work uses political economy to assess the impact of public policy on urban neighborhoods and schools. Her focus has been on the confluence of race, social clase and policy. Many of her writings are classics in the field such as Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum. 

Jean Anyon - Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work


Paulo Freire (1921 - 1997), the Brazilian educationalist, has left a significant mark on thinking about progressive practice. His Pedagogy of the Oppressed is currently one of the most quoted educational texts (especially in Latin America, Africa and Asia). Freire was able to draw upon, and weave together, a number of strands of thinking about educational practice and liberation. Sometimes some rather excessive claims are made for his work e.g. 'the most significant educational thinker of the twentieth century'. He wasn't - John Dewey would probably take that honour - but Freire certainly made a number of important theoretical innovations that have had a considerable impact on the development of educational practice - and on informal education and popular education in particular. In this piece we assess these - and briefly examine some of the critiques that can be made of his work.