
Classism in Education
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What is Class?
Class may be defined as a group of people who occupy a similar economic position in society based on income, wealth, property ownership, education, skills or authority in the economic sphere.

What is Classism?

Classism is the systematic assignment of characteristics of worth and ability based on social class. It includes individual attitudes and behaviors, systems of policies and practices that are set up to benefit the dominant class, often at the expense of the lower classes resulting in drastic income and wealth inequality

Internalized classism is the acceptance and justification of classism by working class and poor people. Examples include: feelings of inferiority to higher-class people; disdain or shame about traditional patterns of class in one's family and a denial of heritage; feelings of superiority to people lower on the class spectrum than oneself; hostility and blame towards other working-class or poor people; and beliefs that classist institutions are fair.

Class Privilege Fruits of the many tangible or intangible unearned advantages of "higher" class status, such as personal contacts with employers, good childhood health care, inherited money, speaking the same dialect and accent as people with institutional power.

The definitions listed are from the website




"Where wealth is centralized, the people are dispersed. Where wealth is distributed, the people are brought together."~Confucius, 5th century B.C

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